Honours and Awards

Issued to Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) Members


Mentioned in Despatches

ARTMONT, Peter, A/LS, V-17281, RCNVR, HMCS Huron

Issued: 29-Aug-1944, London Gazette

"For outstanding courage, skill and devotion to duty in H.M. Ships Tartar, Ashanti, Eskimo, Javelin, and H.M. Canadian Ships Haida and Huron in action with German destroyers."

Mentioned in Despatches (2nd Occurance)

ARTMONT, Peter, A/LS, V-17281, RCNVR, HMCS Huron

Issued: 20-Jan-1945, Canada Gazette

"For bravery, skill and devotion to duty in H.M. Ships Affleck, Balfour, Eskimo, Wanderer and Tavy and H.M. Canadian Ships Haida and Huron in anti U-Boat operations."