Honours and Awards

Issued to Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) Members

FULLER, Thomas George

Distinguished Service Cross

FULLER, Thomas George, Lt , RCNVR, HM MTB

Issued: 14-Jul-1942, London Gazette

"For skill, bravery and resolution while serving in HM Motor Torpedo Boats and Motor Gun Boats in an attack on an Enemy Convoy near the French Coast."

Second Bar to the Distinguished Service Cross

FULLER, Thomas George, A/LCdr, RCNVR, HM MTB

Issued: 20-Jan-1944, Canada Gazette

"For great courage, determination and skill in operations in Light Coastal Craft."

Bar to the Distinguished Service Cross

FULLER, Thomas George, Lt, RCNVR, HM MTB Aegean Ops

Issued: 29-Apr-1944, Canada Gazette

"For good service in Aegean operations."

Note: London Gazette: "For undaunted courage, determination and endurance in H.M. Sirius, Penalope, Carlisle, Aurora, Belvoir, Hurworth, Echo, Faulkner, Pathfinder, Penn, Fury, Beaufort, Eclipse, Rockwood, Dulverton, Croume, Aldenham, Blencathra, the Polish Ship Krakowlak, the Greek Ship Adrias and Light Coastal Forces in many sweeps against enemy shipping in the Aegean under fierce and constant attack from the air, and in maintaining supplies to the Islands of Kos and Lemos until they fell to superior enemy forces."

Mentioned in Despatches

FULLER, Thomas George, A/LCdr, RCNVR, HM MTB

Issued: 20-Jan-1945, Canada Gazette

"For great skill and daring while serving in Light Coastal Craft in a series of sharp and successful encounters with enemy forces in the Adriatic and Aegean."