Honours and Awards

Issued to Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) Members

CORSCADDEN, Arthur Latimer


CORSCADDEN, Arthur Latimer, S/Lt, RCSCC

Issued: 4-Aug-1956, Canada Gazette

"On 6th June 1954, this officer took nine Sea Cadets of the training establishment Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps 'Ark Royal' in a whaler on a training exercise on Lake Ontario. During the exercise, a sudden gust of wind struck the sail of the whaler and capsized it. This competent officer had given the correct orders in an endeavour to prevent capsizing and also in his instructions to the cadets in the water to "stick to the boat". However, Cadet Missen, who appeared to have been hit by the boom when the boat capsized, drifted away. He could not swim in the cold water and S/Lt Corscadden swam after him. This officer put a life jacket on the cadet and lashed him to himself saying "come on son, I will help keep you up". Unfortunately the water was so cold (46 degrees F) that he could not keep the cadet afloat and they both sank before help arrived. The gallant action of this junior officer is in keeping with the highest traditions of the Royal Canadian Navy."

* Issued posthumously